15 August 2009

I heart Uni

The best thing about uni:





ahhh i love you guys


p.s this is an old post that i never actually posted lol

I always forget i can just write, and not always post work.
I'm having trouble, i never know what to title my work, untitled is just not acceptable but i can never think of something appropriate that relates and that also encapsulates the feeling 'if any' behind my work.

The task was to fill a page with illustration. combined that with some lyrics from Amy Winehouse 'Do me good' and Ghetto 'Sing for me'

Rise above Disorder

took this at the rise festival in 07 the rain that day was actually ridiculous so i wanted a pic to show this because i knew no one would believe me. I later used the photograph to interpret a Layout from the much loved Disorder magazine.

la douleur exquise

I had no intentions when taking this pic (of myself :-S) but after a bit of desaturation and burn tool in photoshop i lovveeeed it. Its not flattering, but it is beautifully creepy, haunting.

the title translated into English literally is the exquisite pain, but describes the
exquisite pain of loving someone unattainable.

This is just a small collection of sketches i have done put together in a collage on photoshop. no retouching or anything, just layering up. i actually wanted to show my raw messy drawings..... alas.

why do men have nipples??

one of lives many unanswered questions. i dont even remember the point of this project, but i know i enjoyed working with the 'models' :-p
. im playing there all friends of mine.