17 October 2010

Tube map.... revisited

Ok so i have previously carried out a project on the tube map, using the original colours and layout, but for my 'Plan Your Life' project, i thought it would be the perfect representation of my future (a structured mess).... so i basically took a pic of the original painting i did, played around with it a bit on photoshop to make it this colour, then printed the whole thing out on 16 individually cut pieces of brown paper, then pieced it back together..... and i must say i quite like the end result

Clothing Collection...

Im sure a lot of you have received slips through your door about clothing collection that is an organisation that collects clothes for charities..... or if your like me you havn't lol, either way i was approached by a friend to design a new flyer for clothing collection, i presented four different designs, and this is my fave x



16 October 2010

My beautiful cv

So over the summer we had a brief to design our own personal creative CVs that needed to show a range of work, and also have doormat appeal. So heres my CV all handmade at home, equipped with hand rendered type and finished off with lovely thick textured paper. 
( excuse the binding, blame the printers :-) )x 

08 October 2010

deadbeat blogger!!

OH EM GEE (omg) !!! i have not blogged in forever, a combination of no lappy for a month,  an abrupt return to a demanding 3rd year at uni, and a 3 day a week job, I haven't managed to find the time......  i definitely do still have the blogging bug.... so this weekend will be the return of the regular posts x