12 April 2011

Kuda Photoshoot

In the business of making music anywhere... 
UK based Music Producer, Remixer & Engineer Kuda Ruzane Photoshoot

for more info: http://kudamusic.co.uk

Ash Future & Nacami Photoshoot

UK based Recording Artists/Artist Managers Ash Future & Nacami 
for more info: http://www.youtube.com/ashfuturevids 

04 April 2011


I originally posted these illustrations on greeting cards that i made, but i loved em so much i felt like a RE-POST!! was in order ^_^ lol

natural beauty

 I was asked to take some pics of my friends girlfriend for an article on natural hair...  which will be featured in ISIS magazine, and up and coming UK magazine. 

more info soon...

Fruit cross-sections

Im currently working on a project with my buddy Josephine, and our inspiration has been the cross sections of tropical fruits... anyways i quite like the stencils from our sketchbook, so heres a few i drew x